Some really amazing boots and such on this ace vegetarian friendly website! Love.
Check out the lace up back, grey leopard print welly boots. Amazing.
I really love when vegetarian/vegan designs are forward thinking or even keeping up with today's fashions at all. As I am well aware of the time when vegan shoes were these hideous things that you wouldn't really wear unless hell froze over.
The word vegetarian when I was a kid was a bad bad word, somewhat misjudged and misguided as the knowledge was not available back then (over 20 years ago) ........... even now you will get some die hard meat eaters making you feel bad for not eating meat, that you are not getting the right nourishment and blah blah blah. Like you are a terrible per
son. Seriously I don't judge you, so do not judge me. But hey ho, times have changed (for most people) and so have fashions. Its great to pick up things which are non leather or suede and still cutting edge. The only thing I would request now is durability. I literally get through a pair of boots every 4 months or so, but I do love to walk.
Yay for veges!